I was going to post and ask where if anywhere is something we can post with not just your name but something that you have made with a link to show your whole site.. i just added that in not too long ago i dont even think i did it right..
my whole site? umm. the credit that I gave in the code links back to my personal journal, isn't that enough to suffice?
just copy this and post it in your userinfo:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v386/Princsaboricua/Wives/vida.bmp" border=0> http://www.livejournal.com/users/nixbix22/" target="_blank">Vida Guerras, My Future Wife is Love
I told you i tried using the code link and it wouldnt work for me and the only way i could load the pic was saving it on photobucket with out the whole love thing on it
just copy this and post it in your userinfo:
http://www.livejournal.com/users/nixbix22/" target="_blank">Vida Guerras, My Future Wife is Love
add me on my new journal, chick!
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